Sunday, May 2, 2010

Save Our Water

Another big environmental issue is our water supply. There is a great need for fresh water for our survival and our planets survival. Some areas need to conserve water more than others such as places like California, Nevada and Texas. But it's still important for everyone to do their individual part in water conservation.

In the home you can install low-flo shower heads and faucets. Install dual flush toilets or buy a dual flush conversion kit. Reduce the amount of time you spend in the shower and use a dishwasher to wash dishes.

On the outside of your home you can stop storm water run-off by directing rain water from your roof into a rain barrel. This helps cut down the amount of run-off that runs off your property and into an overburdened sewer system. And if you save that run-off and use it to water your plants, lawn or garden, you will be both conserving a valuable resource and saving money on your utility bill.

I recently bought a rain barrel for $129 and installed it yesterday. It was easy to install and I will be getting free water to grow my vegetables and keep my plants alive and my planet will thank me. I will make the money I spent on the barrel quickly. If your a creative person you could make your own rain barrel out of anything.


  1. Hi Tim!
    WOW! I am so proud of the high quality work involved in this blog!!! I'll bet so many of your former teachers couldn't come up with anything close to this. You are really doing your part to educate people about these issues. Thanks!!! I've learned stuff already. Well---in the world of computer jargon---keep on bloggin'!!!(SO corny!!!)
    Ms. S.

  2. And btw, Tim, you've been linked! Thanks for inspiring me to write on my own blog for the first time in a long while:

