Friday, April 30, 2010


Everyone should have a compost pile. Everyone creates food & yard waste, so everyone should compost. It's simple and easy so why not? If you can bag it and drag it to the curb then why can't you walk out in your yard and throw it in your compost pile. It sounds easy enough to me.

There so many great benefits to composting, it keeps organic waste out of landfills, provides nutrients to the soil, increases beneficial soil organisms (worms & centipedes), suppresses certain plant diseases, reduces the need for fertilizers and pesticides, protects soil from erosion, and assists pollution remediation. These are just a few of the benefits that composting has for us and our environment.

Gardner's have composted for years to use the rich soil for their plants but you don't have to have a green thumb to compost, you can compost just to reduce the amount of waste you produce. In some communities you have to pay a fee for your garbage pick-up according to how much it weigh's, this could be a way for you to cut costs.

Now some of you are thinking, I live in an apartment and don't have a yard I can't compost, WRONG! There is an indoor method of composting called vermicomposting or "worm composting". Essentially it's composting using worms. You keep the worms in a bin, called a "worm bin" and you add your scraps about twice a week and the worms eat the food and break it down into compost. Red wigglers work best because they have a high metabolism and can break down the food fast. There is no odor at all, just great compost.You can build your own bin or buy a commercial bin. I recommend buying the worm factory 360 and reading "worms eat my garbage" before vermicomposting.

I leave you hopefully with more knowledge of the importance of composting for the future of our earth and everyday benefits to us in hopes that you will either keep up your compost pile or start one in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Tim-

    This is Brianna, Ms. S's daughter. I wanted to let you know that this is an awesome blog! My mom, AJ, and I have been composting for a few years, and we've noticed a lot of rich soil and healthy green life spring up around our compost pile. This is a great tip. I hope you keep sharing these tips, because we'll keep following them! Thanks for your efforts.


    PS-My mom is trying to set up her own Google/Blogspot account, and I'll be trying to help her... :P So you may hear from her eventually, but don't hold your breath (technologically challenged, as you know)!
