Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Are VOC's?

In recent years people our becoming more conscious of what exactly is in the products we use and the effects it has on our body and the Earth. Since it's spring people are getting out and starting their home improvement projects. Most people prefer painting in the nice weather when they can air out their home from the harsh smell of paint. But what is in the paint that gives off that strong odor.

VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds):

VOC's are emitted as gasses from certain solids or liquids. These compounds include many chemicals that can result in short or long term health effects. VOC's have been known to be ten times higher indoors compared to outdoors. Thousands of products contain these harsh chemicals such as paints, lacquers, paint strippers, cleaning supplies, pesticides, building materials, furnishings, office equipment, adhesives, permanent markers, and photographic solutions. These chemicals are used in all these products and can release organic compounds while your using them and even when there stored, they can emit harmful gasses to some degree.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) did a study called the "Total Exposure Assessment Methodology (TEAM)", (Volume I through IV, completed in 1985). In the study they found out that many commonly known organic compounds were 2 to 5 times higher in homes rather than outdoors, regardless if it was in a industrial or rural area. The study also found that people that use products containing VOC's expose themselves and everyone around them to high pollutant levels and the higher concentrations stay in the air long after the activity is complete.

Although this information is alarming, there are steps you can take to reduce the amount of VOC's in your home. More and more Earth-Friendly products are on the shelves at your local stores. It's all about reading labels and educating yourself on the ingredients in the products you buy. One of the easiest and more cost effective way to reduce VOC's in your home is to paint your walls. Most local hardware stores sell either low or zero VOC paint in just about any color you want. When you cover up the old paint with the new paint it seals and traps the VOC's in the wall, making your environment safer for you. The low or zero VOC paint is just as good quality as any other paint only it doesn't have that overpowering smell in fact it's virtually odorless.

I painted my room last fall and I loved using Zero VOC paint. The paint didn't smell, it wasn't overpowering. I ordered my paint online from mythic paint, which had a wide selection of colors. It applied just like any other paint would and was fast drying. I would recommend this paint to anyone.

Help make your environment a safer place for you and others around you. Pay attention to what's in the products you buy. Know your ingredients. The next time you paint use low or zero VOC paint. With these simple steps you can help reverse the amount of VOC's being emitted into the air making our environment a better place to live in.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Spring Cleaning!

Wow! It's that time of year again, the weather is getting nicer and the trees are blooming. People are opening up their homes and cutting the lawn. It's time for spring cleaning, every year as we open our homes up after a long cold winter their is always a need to clean. But we need to think about how we can clean so it doesn't harm us or the environment. Makes sense right?

You may not realize that most commercial cleaners that you find in the grocery stores are very dangerous for us and the environment. Many contain fragrances and cleaning agents that are dangerous to touch or breath in and can cause respiratory problems. Products such as bleach, ammonia and alcohol are all chemicals that are harmful to your indoor air quality. These harsh chemicals emit toxic fumes into the air in which you breath and can irritate the eyes and respiratory system.

Instead of using the ordinary harsh chemical cleaners try using something better for you and your environment. Most people believe that environmentally friendly cleaners can't do as good a job as chemical cleaners, that is simply not true. A few essential cleaning solutions to have in your home are baking soda, borax, and lemon juice. You can find many different home remedy recipes for different cleaning purposes on the internet.

Not only is it easy to make your own cleaners, but as the times are changing it is much easier to find eco cleaners at the store. The variety of eco cleaners has finally hit the commercial market and prices are coming down.

The next time you buy a cleaning agent, think about yourself and the environment. Read the ingredients, if you can't pronounce them it's generally not good. Also if you need eye and respiratory protection think about what it's doing to your body. Making your own natural cleaners is cheaper and will reduce your packaging waste, but if that's not for you at least go with an eco-friendly solution.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Save Our Water

Another big environmental issue is our water supply. There is a great need for fresh water for our survival and our planets survival. Some areas need to conserve water more than others such as places like California, Nevada and Texas. But it's still important for everyone to do their individual part in water conservation.

In the home you can install low-flo shower heads and faucets. Install dual flush toilets or buy a dual flush conversion kit. Reduce the amount of time you spend in the shower and use a dishwasher to wash dishes.

On the outside of your home you can stop storm water run-off by directing rain water from your roof into a rain barrel. This helps cut down the amount of run-off that runs off your property and into an overburdened sewer system. And if you save that run-off and use it to water your plants, lawn or garden, you will be both conserving a valuable resource and saving money on your utility bill.

I recently bought a rain barrel for $129 and installed it yesterday. It was easy to install and I will be getting free water to grow my vegetables and keep my plants alive and my planet will thank me. I will make the money I spent on the barrel quickly. If your a creative person you could make your own rain barrel out of anything.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Everyone should have a compost pile. Everyone creates food & yard waste, so everyone should compost. It's simple and easy so why not? If you can bag it and drag it to the curb then why can't you walk out in your yard and throw it in your compost pile. It sounds easy enough to me.

There so many great benefits to composting, it keeps organic waste out of landfills, provides nutrients to the soil, increases beneficial soil organisms (worms & centipedes), suppresses certain plant diseases, reduces the need for fertilizers and pesticides, protects soil from erosion, and assists pollution remediation. These are just a few of the benefits that composting has for us and our environment.

Gardner's have composted for years to use the rich soil for their plants but you don't have to have a green thumb to compost, you can compost just to reduce the amount of waste you produce. In some communities you have to pay a fee for your garbage pick-up according to how much it weigh's, this could be a way for you to cut costs.

Now some of you are thinking, I live in an apartment and don't have a yard I can't compost, WRONG! There is an indoor method of composting called vermicomposting or "worm composting". Essentially it's composting using worms. You keep the worms in a bin, called a "worm bin" and you add your scraps about twice a week and the worms eat the food and break it down into compost. Red wigglers work best because they have a high metabolism and can break down the food fast. There is no odor at all, just great compost.You can build your own bin or buy a commercial bin. I recommend buying the worm factory 360 and reading "worms eat my garbage" before vermicomposting.

I leave you hopefully with more knowledge of the importance of composting for the future of our earth and everyday benefits to us in hopes that you will either keep up your compost pile or start one in the near future.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


There's more to recycling than setting out your recyclables at the curb. In order to make recycling economically feasible, we must buy recycled products and packaging. When we buy recycled products, we create an economic incentive for recyclable materials to be collected, manufactured and marketed as new products. Buying recycled has both economic and environmental benefits. Purchasing products made from or packaged in recycled materials saves resources for future generations.

The more we buy recycled materials the higher demand for recycled products. When the demand goes up there is an effort to supply that demand. Everything comes down to supply & demand. The more people want recycled products, the more recycled products will be supplied and the less it will cost. We have to make a change so that the manufacturers will change their ways of producing our products and make them better for us and our planet.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What Is "Green Living"?

What exactly does it mean to "Live Green", ever wonder? Some people think of "Treehugger" or that it's complicated or weird. It's not, trust me there are many ways to implement the "Green Lifestyle" in anyone's life. Everyone can "Be Green", you can make a few small changes or a few drastic changes either way your still being green.

To live a green lifestyle you have to first know what it means. Green Living is basically living sustainably. Now for those who don't know, sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society's use of the Earth's natural resource and his/her own resources. (

This means don't be wasteful, try and reuse, and if you can't reuse then recycle, don't let things end up in landfills if it's not necessary. The three R's are a big part of living green. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

Reduce, try reducing what you buy, pay attention to the packaging and buy products with less packaging.

Reuse, If you get something new then sell or let someone else use your old tv, computer, mp3 player, ect. Try and repurpose things around your home and get more use out of them.

Recycle, If something is broken or can't be used again then make sure you recycle it so it doesn't end up in a landfill.

A big part of living green is making smart healthy choices. Be aware of the products you use and read the labels. If you can't pronounce it, it's probably not good. Try using organic personal care products. is a good source to find cruelty free organic products that are healthy for you. It's also a good idea to find healthier cleaning products, they are becoming easier to find Clorox now has a plant-based selection.

Green Living looks at your whole lifestyle. It's about changing everything and making smart healthy choices. Find out where the products you buy come from and what they contain in them. Ask yourself what is this doing to me and my environment?

It's not just about the environment, it's about making your life healthier and by making your life healthier your also making the planet healthier at the same time. It's a no brainer start making greener choices in your life and live healthier and help out the planet at the same time!

Support National Parks

Today's Environmental tip is to support our National Parks. It's important to protect all parks, they offer people a place to relax and forget about everyday life and just enjoy nature. Our National Parks also hold a great deal of history and landmarks, their is so much knowledge one can learn about the land and animals. My favorite place to go is the Adirondack Mountains. Everyone is so laid back, they have no worries. You can just relax and enjoy your surroundings with people you enjoy spending time with.

The Appalachian forests has a spectacular view from three states Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee, miles of hiking trails, towering limestone rocks, a 75' high sandstone overhang, and a journey back into our nation's history. You'll find what you're looking for at Cumberland Gap National Historical Park.

It's extremely important to save places like these, no theme park can give you the enjoyment of experiencing our nation's National Parks.